Sublimed C60 for efficient and repeatable perovskite-based solar cells

"Sublimed C60 for efficient and repeatable perovskite-based solar cells," A.A. Said, E. Aydin, E. Ugur, Z. Xu, C. Deger, B. Vishal, A. Vlk, P. Dally, B.K. Yildirim, R. Azmi, J. Liu, E.A. Jackson, H.M. Johnson, M. Gui, H. Richter, A.R. Pininti, H. Bristow, M. Babics, A. Razzaq, T.G. Allen, M. Ledinský, I. Yavuz, B.P. Rand, S. De Wolf, Nat. Commun., 15, 708 (2024).